
Risk Consulting

Risk Assessment

Financial Risk Analysis of the 1476 km long Beineu-Bozoy-Shymkent-Gas-Pipeline in Kazakhstan

Financial Risk Analysis including Risk Assessment of planning, construction, environmental, and natural hazard risks of the  Iran-Pakistan-Gas-Pipeline.

Risk and Opportunity Value Assessment of a Harbour Construction Project  (financial, social, and ecological risks) of a Harbour Construction Project

Accrued Liability Determination as per US-Insolvency Guidelines related to remediation and reclamation of hundreds of mine facilities of a large US mining company.

Risk Analysis for the Structural Reinforcement of a Nuclear Power Plant based on bid specifications.

Risk Management

Implementation of a Risk Management System to support the successful completion of a Nuclear Power Plant  in Eastern Europe.

Implementation of a Risk Management System in a medium sized Enterprise including the creation of customized Risk Management Software.

Risk Studies

Environmental Impacts in Unconventional Gas Production (Fracking)

Technical comparison and assessment of risk, inclusive of a sociological study on a geothermal Hot-Dry-Rock- (HDR) Project in Basel, Switzerland

Environmental Solutions

Due Diligence

Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Due Diligence for various  manufacturing sites in Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, and India associated with a commercial real estate transaction.

Environmental Due Diligence in different countries for private and international clients in the pharmaceutical, chemical, resource, and banking sectors.

Brownfield Assessment

Environmental- and Building Evaluation of a contaminated site and design for a development  strategy for the site.

Brownfield Assessment of US Army Sites in Europe with the aim of developing comprehensive site investigations and remedial strategies including negotiations with authorities.

Remedial Investigation 

Remedial Investigation of Subsurface Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Impacts  where ongoing remedial measures were already in place,  including recommendations for a thermal remedial method, development of execution plan.

Project Management of a remedial investigation including development of an overall remedial strategy for  the 260 hectare large US-site underlain by Buntsandstein (sandstone bedrock).


Thermal in-situ Remediation of a Chlorinated Hydrocarbon impacted Site

Project Management of a pilot scale remediation at a site evaluating the in-situ oxidation of groundwater contaminants using potassium permanganate.

Remediation Management

Review of an ongoing restructuring in the wake of environmental damage liability insurance.